Thursday, October 21, 2010

A world of fools or just the two of us

Clipped from

Friends have been rather worried of late about my incessant obsession with Sheikh Chilli. For those who don't know about him, he was a sheikh of the mughal dynasty and lived in India. That's not what he was famous for though. He was known for day dreaming and far fetched tales of glory, which never remotely materialised. Back then, he must've been a laughing stock, a guy whom nobody took seriously. But all the same, his laughable tales did become an important part of our folklore over the years so much so that people who day dream even today draw comparisons to Sheikh Chiili from others. His route of attaining grandeur might've been crooked, but glory he did achieve at last, an irony that seemed to possess my thought recently.

Then, like the apple on Newton's head, a thought struck me, which drove me even crazier. May be he wasn't so stupid after all. May be he was clever as hell, and his ludicrous dreams were a pre meditated route to glory. I began getting tempted to take a leaf out of his book. Man is a slave of his desires, but when one so desires to jump into a marsh, he can't expect the soil to spill only on his feet, only the Sheikh could of managed that. Anyways, with the best intentions of keeping the soil to my feet and keeping my cloak unscathed, I cautiously set foot into the exclusive private marshes of our hero. But my valiant efforts were undone by a carriage blazing past me, spilling mud all across my body. Standing soiled there, I didn't feel so clever any longer. As if I didn't feel stupid enough already, I was flabbergasted when I saw people, loads of them rushing in on the other side of what appeared to be a cage of some kind to laugh at my sorry sight. At first I thought I have made a right fool of myself. But then I saw, right next to me was Sheikh Chilli, my crumb of comfort. He consoled me by saying "this is your opportunity of writing your name in the history books, just like me. Grab it with both hands. A couple of centuries from now, we'll pop round for a drink at this very place and laugh out loud at these sordid fools ."

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