Monday, November 2, 2009

Philosophically wasted

It feels like hell. Infact, sometimes I wonder whether it actually is hell. Why does it have to be like this? When, as they say, God, the Almighty is the creator of one and all, and therefore all are deemed equals in his/her eyes, then why is there such a remarkable discrepancy among people in the skills imparted to them, isn’t that unfair?

Look at me, I am not good at anything I do, and this junk piece of work is a mere testament of my inadequate writing skills. Considering writing is a hobby of mine, you don’t have to be Einstein to figure out the dire straits. Every time I think things can’t get worse, they do and it ironically reminds me of the Adidas slogan, “Impossible is nothing”.

When you can’t identify your interests and aspirations, and are in a state of dilemma, and are still comfortably placed with no indispensable need of change, it gets confusing, and make no mistake about it, it does. Forgive me for putting the much loathed Bush’s all too famous “make no mistake” to use, nevertheless, it does fine job of iterating my point further more.

Chaos, is that the word I should use? Nay, with that, I would feel that my case is understated, torrent is more to my liking, for you geeks out there, its not the hot p2p sharing interface I am talking about, losers, run off, no place for you this, wasting your time reading gibberish on the net, must’ve got zillion better things to attend to.

“But, life goes on as it never ends eyes of stone observe the trends” Hang on a minute, isn’t this the sweet lyrics of that good old song by the gay old Backstreet Boys. Regardless, it fits pretty well as an abrupt conclusion to an aimless piece of work by a perplexed self proclaimed writer.

They say, all's well that ends well, so let’s cut it to the chase, where are the drinks..Cheers