Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Doctor Swines

The world is in dire need of doctors. Not the ones with MBBS degrees, neither those with PhDs. The world needs a different kind of doctors, for curing an illness unheard of by the conventional ones. Those who might try and play it down must know, the disease is most dangerous of all known to mankind, one which is commonly neglected as well. Though rather than an illness, its an unwell mental state where one starts to accept tortures on routine basis as a part of life. This though is only where it starts. Gradually the patient grows so used to the tortures that he begins to lose the knowledge of their existence. As time wears on, the disorder renders the patient completely unaware about the fact that a rope is still tied round his neck, attached at the other end to an apple cart.

The cart runs smooth as silk, though that hardly reflects the state of affairs at the subject's end. Smothered to near death by the rope and bruised through and through by the ground he constantly gets dragged against, he's a personification of suffering, yet staggeringly ignorant about it. After the cart has run its course and he's released from the bondage of life, his lifeless body has knowledge, in full detail of the topography of various places he has been to on his merry journey behind the apple cart.

Though most people realise their suffering only in after life(if there's something like that), the Filthy Swine, being smart as hell was able to figure it out while still alive.

So, he decided to do something about it. With the able assistance of swines all across the world, he recruited the first batch of a special team of doctor swines. They are specifically trained to cure this illness, though ungrateful humans for some reason like to call it swine flu.

For those who feel the post's over, well so do I.For those seeking explanations, continue reading if you must
Constraints of the modern world have swiftly filled the boots of the ancient day taboos. A man can't do what he wants, for he must first do what the world requires of him. My earnest clarifications that this is not a jibe at the poor swine flu victims. I heartily sympathise with them and their families and wish them well. As an attempt at provocative writing, the article intends to make people realise that you can't put an end to your problems just by turning your back to it


  1. Posted by slick at 3:41 AM :) .... ytf swine?? any other way of living life or shall be the eternally suppressed middle class??

  2. feel swines are synonymous to suppressed strata of society, also the rejected lot, who have no say in policies of global importance yet have to bear their repercussions.
