Thursday, October 21, 2010

A world of fools or just the two of us

Clipped from

Friends have been rather worried of late about my incessant obsession with Sheikh Chilli. For those who don't know about him, he was a sheikh of the mughal dynasty and lived in India. That's not what he was famous for though. He was known for day dreaming and far fetched tales of glory, which never remotely materialised. Back then, he must've been a laughing stock, a guy whom nobody took seriously. But all the same, his laughable tales did become an important part of our folklore over the years so much so that people who day dream even today draw comparisons to Sheikh Chiili from others. His route of attaining grandeur might've been crooked, but glory he did achieve at last, an irony that seemed to possess my thought recently.

Then, like the apple on Newton's head, a thought struck me, which drove me even crazier. May be he wasn't so stupid after all. May be he was clever as hell, and his ludicrous dreams were a pre meditated route to glory. I began getting tempted to take a leaf out of his book. Man is a slave of his desires, but when one so desires to jump into a marsh, he can't expect the soil to spill only on his feet, only the Sheikh could of managed that. Anyways, with the best intentions of keeping the soil to my feet and keeping my cloak unscathed, I cautiously set foot into the exclusive private marshes of our hero. But my valiant efforts were undone by a carriage blazing past me, spilling mud all across my body. Standing soiled there, I didn't feel so clever any longer. As if I didn't feel stupid enough already, I was flabbergasted when I saw people, loads of them rushing in on the other side of what appeared to be a cage of some kind to laugh at my sorry sight. At first I thought I have made a right fool of myself. But then I saw, right next to me was Sheikh Chilli, my crumb of comfort. He consoled me by saying "this is your opportunity of writing your name in the history books, just like me. Grab it with both hands. A couple of centuries from now, we'll pop round for a drink at this very place and laugh out loud at these sordid fools ."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Doctor Swines

The world is in dire need of doctors. Not the ones with MBBS degrees, neither those with PhDs. The world needs a different kind of doctors, for curing an illness unheard of by the conventional ones. Those who might try and play it down must know, the disease is most dangerous of all known to mankind, one which is commonly neglected as well. Though rather than an illness, its an unwell mental state where one starts to accept tortures on routine basis as a part of life. This though is only where it starts. Gradually the patient grows so used to the tortures that he begins to lose the knowledge of their existence. As time wears on, the disorder renders the patient completely unaware about the fact that a rope is still tied round his neck, attached at the other end to an apple cart.

The cart runs smooth as silk, though that hardly reflects the state of affairs at the subject's end. Smothered to near death by the rope and bruised through and through by the ground he constantly gets dragged against, he's a personification of suffering, yet staggeringly ignorant about it. After the cart has run its course and he's released from the bondage of life, his lifeless body has knowledge, in full detail of the topography of various places he has been to on his merry journey behind the apple cart.

Though most people realise their suffering only in after life(if there's something like that), the Filthy Swine, being smart as hell was able to figure it out while still alive.

So, he decided to do something about it. With the able assistance of swines all across the world, he recruited the first batch of a special team of doctor swines. They are specifically trained to cure this illness, though ungrateful humans for some reason like to call it swine flu.

For those who feel the post's over, well so do I.For those seeking explanations, continue reading if you must
Constraints of the modern world have swiftly filled the boots of the ancient day taboos. A man can't do what he wants, for he must first do what the world requires of him. My earnest clarifications that this is not a jibe at the poor swine flu victims. I heartily sympathise with them and their families and wish them well. As an attempt at provocative writing, the article intends to make people realise that you can't put an end to your problems just by turning your back to it

Monday, November 2, 2009

Philosophically wasted

It feels like hell. Infact, sometimes I wonder whether it actually is hell. Why does it have to be like this? When, as they say, God, the Almighty is the creator of one and all, and therefore all are deemed equals in his/her eyes, then why is there such a remarkable discrepancy among people in the skills imparted to them, isn’t that unfair?

Look at me, I am not good at anything I do, and this junk piece of work is a mere testament of my inadequate writing skills. Considering writing is a hobby of mine, you don’t have to be Einstein to figure out the dire straits. Every time I think things can’t get worse, they do and it ironically reminds me of the Adidas slogan, “Impossible is nothing”.

When you can’t identify your interests and aspirations, and are in a state of dilemma, and are still comfortably placed with no indispensable need of change, it gets confusing, and make no mistake about it, it does. Forgive me for putting the much loathed Bush’s all too famous “make no mistake” to use, nevertheless, it does fine job of iterating my point further more.

Chaos, is that the word I should use? Nay, with that, I would feel that my case is understated, torrent is more to my liking, for you geeks out there, its not the hot p2p sharing interface I am talking about, losers, run off, no place for you this, wasting your time reading gibberish on the net, must’ve got zillion better things to attend to.

“But, life goes on as it never ends eyes of stone observe the trends” Hang on a minute, isn’t this the sweet lyrics of that good old song by the gay old Backstreet Boys. Regardless, it fits pretty well as an abrupt conclusion to an aimless piece of work by a perplexed self proclaimed writer.

They say, all's well that ends well, so let’s cut it to the chase, where are the drinks..Cheers

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is Slumdog millionaire worthy of the overwhelming response?

A director from the west comes for a jolly old trip to India and directs a movie which, as they say, would change how movies are made in bollywood. More than that, the movie, as the cast and crew and most critics claim, presents, for the first time, the true face of India to the world. All I would say that, contrary to the claims made, all it puts forth is anything but the truth, and I shall give good reasons, in defending my say. The movie is an assault on the Indian culture and customs, and more evidently on a common Indian, and what hurts even more, is that they've hired some real good indegenous talent to crack a provocative, but lame joke at the Indian society . The cruel, mean and inhuman image of a common man in India, it portrays, has little to do with reality, and I would know that better as a middle class Indian, then some exotic production company.

Well aware and silently proud of the better living standards they enjoy and luxuries they can afford, its easy for the big label directors and production houses of the US to look down upon the less fortunate countries, and sympathise with them, cause it makes them feel proud and benevolent at the same time. The portrayal of India, has more to do with forcing out a connection between the social issues India faces with our cultural follies, than with the problems themselves, and though the connection holds to an extent, but its pretty obvious that it is merely one among a pool of other factors, that have led to the problems we face now. Rather, if anything, India as a whole is slowly but surely geting out of the rut its been in, for years.

Does a movie deserve any award, if even the society that it portrays, can't identify with the movie, leave alone, appreciating it, which is but evident in the way Slumdog Crorepati( the Indian release name of the movie) rockbottomed at the box ofice on day 1 of its release in India. And to be fair to them, they couldn't have approved of this spanking of the Indian culture and society. We are smart enough, I guess to make out that the movie has not made a name for India in the world, rather it has made us ill famous yet again, in the ragged old way. Its about time that the world acknowledged that India is not some useless piece of junk which can be sympathised with, when one feels guiltty of unjust and unfair behaviour, and we have moved on from the phase when that used to be our image. So, may be its time for the first world to shut up and move on as well.

Anyways that's my opinion and opinions may differ. So, the main objective of the post is to find out what the common man's opinion is, of the movie which has been lauded and praised by the critics all over the world.

How the moderate Islam in the subcontinent transformed into jehad

I was reading this article titled Islam and Islamism in the subcontinent, in which I saw near perfect approximation of how Islamism emerged from Islam, though I am not so sure regarding its demise. Yes, I was a bit agreived as a Hindu, as I read the article, since the influence of Islam on India was mentioned in detail, but, pertaining to that it missed a point of note that Indian culture, and therefore Indic Islam was under the strong influence of Hindu traditions, who by far outnumbered the muslim rulers, and the Arabic settlers in the mughal period. Needless to say that due to differences between the customs of the two communities, even the mughal administration, which was relatively tolerant compared to other Arabic dynasties, committed attrocities against the Hindus at times. As a consequence, after the rule passed into the hands of the Brits, it was but natural for Hindus to blame the muslim community for their strife, coz a substantial number were hard done by, in some or the other form by the mughals. That's when the seeds of the rift between the two communities were planted, the fruits of which are for all of us to eat, now.

There's not an iota of doubt in my mind that the Brits' policy of divide and rule played its part to great effect in the establishment of Pakistan, as an Islamic state, the troubles associated with the partition were not unknown to the British administration, in fact in that they saw their last little battle won, only they couldn't estimate the consequences of the war that was about to ensue. Since then, India, which is a secular state with Hindus as majority has witnessed a number of wars against both Pakistan and China, and has always been reasonable in its retaliation, infact too reasonable or rather indifferent at times, beit the Indo China deal at Panchsheel which was followed by a Chinese attack on Indian soil, or the Tashkent agreement in which Russia, believed to be India's most trusted ally to date stabbed us into a deal causing our forces to retreat back to the line of control, and we gleefully oblidged. So, I think its worth a mention that the peace loving elements within the Sunni Islam, owe their roots mostly to the tolerant Indian, or Hindu culture, more than anything else. As a matter of fact, communal crimes have hit Jews and Hindus hardest, whilst Jews fight day in day out, we still like to talk about things, that's about the highest pinnacle of tolerance a human community can ever achieve. I am not necessarily proud of it all the times, but that is the way it is, atleast we don't go about killing others for things they are not remotely responsible for.

The major factors that can be attributed to the growth in ominous proportions of the Jehadi line of thought must include

(i) British policy of divide and rule.

(ii) Attrocities associated with the partition times, the day or rather days India burned.

(iii) The west taking the hardliners lightly believing the Jehadi outburst was similar to the Protestantism amongst Christians. For instance the US supported Pakistan against India and gave it huge economic aid, the major chunk of which was supposedly used to fund the terrorist goups which in turn attacked US or other western powers completing the cycle.

(iv) The frustration of educated Arabs at the relative underdevelopment there as compared to the west given they more or less matched their western/Christian counterparts for better part of the history, and in fact might've had a headstart initially as they probably saw the dawn of civilisations before the western hemisphere did. Arabs must be proud people for they have a rich and versatile culture the origins of which date back to pre historic times, but fate has so conspired against them that the powers of the world today are set continents apart from them, and they have no say in matters of global importance.

If you ever look up for help, look up to yourself

A vivid introspection, one I hope you'd enjoy reading
They say that ‘every man leads his life on his own, and no matter how many of his acquaintances can help him through troubled times, no one actually does. But the quote is telegraphed really, conveying no moral of note, unless put to test in the real world’s scheme of things. This statement is not plain black and white; there are many different shades of grey, waiting to be explored. It is one thing to say that you’re independent and can suffice your needs and/or wants, but, it’s quite another, to actually do so. For instance, we need the guidance and wisdom of our parents to learn the ways of the world, the support of our friends, to help us through torrid times, etc. So we’re all acquainted with the fact that we need various people to help us at various junctures of our lives; that we keep on denying this all throughout our lives, is a different matter.

Having said this, the problems often arise when we start depending on others a tad too much, and they start becoming an indispensable requisite for the fulfillment of our wants and desires. Now, here I’ll also like to include the want for the acclaim of our pals, colleagues etc. in our achievements. All of us, to an extent, desire to be lauded for our achievements, by others. Not for nothing, ‘success of a person is often owed more to the ones who praise his achievement’. But, then, it’s also true that a failure finds itself alone, with no one to stand by. ‘So, those who can pump you up to the ninth cloud in happier times won’t break a sweat in digging you a rut, when you screw up’. Now, does that sort of a situation deter one’s commitment towards life, and work? Well, it’s only human to feel disgusted when you fail, but, the sooner you realize a defeat has too insignificant an effect, when considering your entire life, the better it is. From each defeat you learn, and from each success, you earn, that you must always remember.

It’s an old cliché, but it often holds true “A rich man has a thousand friends, while a poor man dies alone”. Even the most intimate of people turn their backs on you, when the chips are down. Therefore, that I must say without an iota of doubt, among all our character traits, its self reliance, that separates, the best from the rest, or the men from the boys, so to speak. Its one thing to fulfill your social obligations or to help others, if need be, but, quite another to expect the same from them. The truth of the matter, my friend is that ‘what goes around doesn’t always come around’.

Though, emotional fools may argue all their lives, over this, but as a rationalist, I believe that we should consider our acquaintances or friends as phases in our lives, which keep on chopping and changing to suit our interest and needs, and only one guy, in say, a thousand has somebody to actually stand by him, in troubled times. So, if you ever feel downcast and lonely, and want to look up for help, look up to yourself. “Let them plan and let them conspire against you, let them play the game of chess. After all, once the game is over, the king and the pawns go back into the same box.”

India: The Re-birth

Max Muller said in his book India - What can it teach us?
"It I were to look over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow in some parts a very paradise on earth - I should point to India. If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which will deserve the attention even of those who have studied plato and Kant - I should point to India. And if I were to ask myself from what literature we, here in Europe, we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of one Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human, a life, not for this life only but a trans- figured and eternal life - again I should point to India."

He said that India has been our partner in development in various spheres. If you have to look at the conributions India has made to the field of science, literature, politics etc., look at its past, and don't be disgusted by its chaotic present state. As much as he loved India for its significant role in shaping up the modern society, even he couldn't deny the pathectic state India was in, at that point in time. Well, that was the 19th century and India was under the British rule, or, for that matter, India had been under forced foreign occupation for over a thousand years. As of today, it is the 21st century, and India is free, as free can be, infact it is the largest democracy in the world. And although the centuries of economic and social exploitation by foreign settlers has taken its toll, the price of which has been paid by the Independent India, the nation, is slowly, but definitely proceeding towards better things.

This article is a statement of intent that we Indians are not complacent and content with the feats our ancestors once achieved, but, rather want to forge our own impression so that modern India is remembered across the world for what its present generation has done, and not just for our glorious past achievements. The 21st century theory of globalisation is a stark contrast to the Laisses Faire scheme of things back in the 20th century. The present scenario credits intellect as the most essential criterion for success. Privelege and preference are the things of the past. Today's scenario offers several challenges and the present Indian generation doesn't believe in dodging or evading them, our style of play is tackling them front on.

The IT Revolution has seen India emerge as a hub for technocrats, and if it was not for the lack of amenities which has caused the brain drain over the past few years, we would have had an even better platform. Beit Animation and Graphics, application development or software development, Indians are everywhere to be seen. India is second only to the US in terms of total no. of professionals passing out per year. India is also the preffered destination for offshoring and outsourcing, cause it has a large pool of software engineers and proficient English speakers which has attracted major US tech firms here for services offshoring. These firms include HP, IBM, Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Oracle Corporation, and Cisco. Each of these companies has promised or is in the process of investing at least $1 billion in India. By waging several wars and succesfully evading the enemies, India has also exhibited its defensive prowess and advanced intelligence resources in recent times. All this progress has been accomplished despite various hurdles stacked in the path of progress, the major ones being over population, criminal and communal violence, poverty and corruption. The miraculous feat achieved in such stern circumstances has sparked hopes of a rebirth, a re incarnation of the golden bird( associated with olden India).

So, we Indians are ready to follow the footsteps of our pre historic ancestors( however distorted they've become now, with centuries having passed, :p) so that India revels and prospers again, and reaches the pinnacle, it so truly deserves.

Jai Hind( hail India)